Sunday, February 03, 2008

girls! (nice guy v. pushover)

so i promised myself that this wasnt going to be a blog that turns into a journal complaining about girls, and i intend to keep that promise. im not going to complain about anything or anyone, in that regard. i'm not even going to talk about any one girl specifically. just a relationship problem that i, and guys like myself, face.

i consider myself a "nice guy". you know, the kind who might "finish last". but after a little thought, i think actually i am not a nice guy. i'm more of a pushover. and i think a lot of "nice guys" are actually pushovers.

we think because we bend over backwards to do anything for girls, because we fall in love so quickly and our hearts stay so faithful, because we sacrifice a lot in relationships to make our girlfriends happy, that these actions make us nice, or worse yet, that they make us good boyfriends. they can contribute to it, IF we stand up for ourselves and do things to make US happy too. i think thats why it seems lots of girls go for smooth talking, self-serving assholes. they have confidence. they know they deserve to be treated right, so they act that way. women are natually attracted to confidence (at least according to Mystery on that one vh1 show). If a dude acts confident, i think a woman will respect him, and like him more. if hes a pushover, then she will push. its pretty simple. we need to know that we deserve to be happy in relationships as well. its the only way things will ever work.


Blogger Rachel Beth said...

I think that this is a biased opinion. I think you have consistently chosen girls who are "assholes" themselves. Nice guys are pushovers to girls that don't deserve them. Nice girls will never push Nice guys into being pushovers. If you, a nice guy, pick a girl who is self-absorbed and egotistical, naturally she will feel more powerful than you, and push you to do things you don't really want to. I think pushover guys don't really exist; they are just nice guys who are trying to get with girls that cannot really see how nice they are, and are using them.

2:00 PM  

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